Category Archives: Uncategorized


Stop Using Realism to dismiss the work of others. Bear with me, this one is about to get conceptual (dare I say: philosophical), but it is not possible to make this argument without doing so. Realism is often taken to … Continue reading

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Challenging Modelling Pt.2 The Politics and Polemics of Modelling

Look at almost any modelling group on Facebook, and you will find the same rule: “no politics”. It is a commonly accepted trope in modelling that politics = bad. Terms of Reference What do we mean by politics? For once, … Continue reading

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The Hobby Kinda is Dying

Sorry everyone, its been a long time since I have posted. The fact is, I’ve been struggling in modelling. At the end of 2023 I finally decided to call an end to Inside the Armour Publications. Sales have been declining … Continue reading

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Challenging Modelling: Part:1

Introduction For a long time, I’ve been interested in the limits the modelling community place of modelling. It is often said to be about having fun, and perhaps because of how we associate it with a childhood hobby, and certainly … Continue reading

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Building The Diorama

My ‘day job’ is not having opinions on the internet (honest), it’s actually Publishing and selling scale modelling books at Inside the Armour Publications. If you follow my other activities like the Sprue Cutters Union, you will know I spent … Continue reading

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Celebrate Craft

Earlier on in this blog, I laid out my argument as to why modelling is not art Part of my thesis was that modellers use the word ‘art’ in a misguided attempt to legitimise what we do. I argued that … Continue reading

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The Art of Building

Building is grossly underrated in this hobby. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not here to put on my slippers, reminisce about bagged Airfix kits, and bemoan the lack of ‘beZiK MolDeriNg SKizz’ and ‘Millennials’ like some bitter old guy. I … Continue reading

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The Art of Disagreement

“You aren’t curing cancer” When I started this blog, I wanted it to be a more positive place than Facebook can sometimes be. What I envisaged was a place where I can wax philosophical on modelling, and indulge my adjacent … Continue reading

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The Demise of the Original Story.

The controversial opinion of a dioramist.  By guest writer Robert Blokker Go back five years or more at any decent event, and your mind would have been blown by the creativity and unique storytelling in dioramas and vignettes.  You could … Continue reading

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Filthy Lucre

I added a buy me a coffee button to this blog. I know, some guys monetise everything, but please remember, reading this is free. The button is there in case you appreciate the blog and want to toss me a … Continue reading

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