A New Podcast!

A little while ago, I decided to add interviews to this blog, starting with Calvin Tan’s fantastic discussion on Art and Modelling To make that I had a video chat with Calvin and used an edited transcript to produce the blog post.

A few people asked if it would be available as a podcast and at the time I wasn’t sure. But in the end, I thought, “its not a lot of extra work, so why not?” and the Model Philosopher Podcast is now a thing!

The Podcast will not replace the blog. I will continue to post these interviews in edited transcript form, with illustration, on the blog. I will also continue to post my editorial style blogs, but for those that prefer to listen, the interviews will be available as a podcast.

I hope you enjoy it.

About Chris

I'm Chris Meddings, Modeller, Author, Publisher of Modelling Books, Podcaster, and armchair wannabe thinker
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One Response to A New Podcast!

  1. John Murray says:

    This is terrific news Chris. I wish you all the best with the podcast.

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