Author Archives: Chris

About Chris

I'm Chris Meddings, Modeller, Author, Publisher of Modelling Books, Podcaster, and armchair wannabe thinker

Colour Pt.2: a Conversation with Tue Kaae

In the last blog, I talked to Jean Andre about colour, and our conversation mostly concerned colour in dioramas, and due to my own background perhaps: scale models. During that conversation, Jean and I touched on figures, but I thought … Continue reading

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Colour, with Jean André

In this blog, I interview Jean André, the French model artist and dioramist. Jean makes superb dioramas with often haunting and dreamlike scenes of solitary figures, usually women, in almost surreal environments, an element amplified by his mastery of colour. … Continue reading

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New Podcast Episode and Blog on Tuesday 9th July with Jean André AKA Jean Diorama

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Modelling & History, With Ivan Cocker

This week, my guest is Ivan Cocker. Ivan has a highly informed view on history, as keeper of models at the Malta Maritime Museum for Heritage Malta, and as a world renowned modeller in his own right with a long … Continue reading

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Please Welcome Our New Sponsor

The model philosopher is very proud to be sponsored by Scale Model Challenge, the fastest growing and most exciting model show in the calendar. Scale Model Challenge celebrates its 15th anniversary this year, and as always, its going to bring … Continue reading

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“Character”, a Conversation with John Rosengrant

INTRODUCTION:Like many of us, John Rosengrant started modelling as a young child, in his case; historical and classic  monster models. After studying at art college, he moved to Los Angeles to break into the movie business, and after a period … Continue reading

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Competition: with Marijn Van Gils

Competition is a big part of the modelling, whilst not being, in any way, essential to the hobby. If all competition ended tomorrow, people would still be making models and the shows would still happen, albeit somewhat differently in some … Continue reading

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A New Podcast!

A little while ago, I decided to add interviews to this blog, starting with Calvin Tan’s fantastic discussion on Art and Modelling To make that I had a video chat with Calvin and used an edited transcript to produce the … Continue reading

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An Absence, and an Apology

I often think “Sorry I haven’t been posting much, guys.” Posts are kind of lame. For one thing, they assume people were missing you posting, which is somewhat presumptuous, for another, they don’t really add anything to the general conversation. … Continue reading

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Art & Modelling, a Conversation with Calvin Tan

Today I sat down with Calvin Tan (via a webchat) for the first of what will be an occasional series, where I discuss a single topic with a well known and highly respected modeller. Calvin is undoubtedly well-known, and highly … Continue reading

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